Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Alvarez, Mariana

Mariana Alvarez aka Mariposa Peligrosa aka Mari
TDS - Vampire

Posted Image

Date of Birth: August 19, 1880
Place of Birth: Monterrey, Mexico

Date of Change: July, 1899
Age at Change: 18, almost 19

History: Mariana Alvarez was born to a well-off Mexican landowner in the late 1800's. She had a rather luxurious childhood for the time and place, having grown up in a magnificent hacienda with several servants. She was the apple of her father's eye, leaving her a bit spoiled and sometimes selfish, but she was mostly a sweet girl who dreamed of becoming a wife and mother in an equally beautiful hacienda of her own.

When Mari was 16, she discovered not only the love of her life, but also that she had a will of iron and the discipline and fortitude to get what she wanted. She fell in love with Pablo Pacante, the 20-year-old son of a neighboring land owner. He was engaged to another girl, but Mari won his heart through persistence, feminine wiles, and being the wealthier of the two. He proposed when she was 17, and they only had to wait for her dowry to be ready in order to marry.

Vampire History: Mari was chosen by a small coven looking to make a fierce army of newborn vampires in order to conquer the coastal city of Tampico. She was snatched from her bed the night before her wedding, and it took almost that full year of blood lust for her to recall the life she'd almost had. She somehow managed to survive past that year, although she was a favorite pet of her coven because of her ability to make things happen through will alone.

Once Mari realized her past, she went back to turn her great love, only to find he'd married another. She snapped, left her coven, and became one of the most feared nomad vampires in the south, earning herself the name Mariposa Peligrosa (Dangerous Butterfly). Her thirst was enormous.

After about 5 or so years, Mari found herself cradling a small lifeless body. She'd killed children before, but this little boy had the dark looks of her beloved and matched almost perfectly the child of her dreams. Her remorse, while rooted in her insanity, helped her come back into herself, although it forever tainted her desire for human blood.

The name Mariposa Peligrosa has disappeared into the stuff of legends, although she still goes by the name Mariposa in some situations. Mari is a great protector of children, although she has very little contact with them most of the times. She's saved several runaways from abuse, murder, or worse, but she keeps to the countryside as she has trouble controlling her thirst and doesn't really know about using big animals as a substitute for human blood. She's been relying on rabbits, squirrels, and rodents for a while now.

If the situation ever allowed it, Mari would work well within a coven, but she cannot abide those who kill anymore. She has a great love of luxury that is currently NOT being maintained, and she has an enormous capacity for love, although she inevitably loves the wrong people. She's probably had a vampire lover or two along the way, but it was more a marriage of convenience than anything else.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Angelov, Alena

Alena Liliana Angelov
SS - Hogwarts extention


Name/Aliases: Alena Angelov, Lena
Age: 17 (in 2069)
Birthdate: 1 June

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Argent, Tristan

Tristan Tremain Argent
Hogwarts Secrets

Posted Image

Alias: Tris or T
Age: 15
Date of Birth: February 19
Species: Human, so far as we can tell

Powers: Just your average young wizard with a rather inflated ego
Other Abilities: *cough* None. Don't ask him, though.

History and Personality: Tristan is the oldest child of Cledwyn and Eleanor Argent and heir to a proper family fortune of his own. The Argent family, long known in the UK as a family of proud purebloods, earned their fortune as landowners. Many of the shop spaces and flats in Diagon Alley (and its international equivalents in France and Italy) are owned by the Argent family, and they turn a tidy profit from rent. The Tremain side, his mother's family, own a large apothecary supply company. Lucky Tristan is the heir to this as well.

Cledwyn raised both his children with a firm hand and the hope that they would become responsible members of society - in theory. He was a good man who was over-involved in the world around him, leaving his wife to do most of the actual raising. When Cledwyn was home, the children were mild-mannered and interested in the outside world, but when he was away, their mother indulged them terribly out of a misguided fear that lack of a constant father was making them feel unloved. This dual-world shaped Tristan specifically, forcing him to develop a keen eye for what was expected in every social situation and the ability to fill that role. Tristan is very good at telling those in authority exactly what they want to hear. He almost always has something entirely different boiling beneath the surface, being the quiet but deadly sort of troublemaker. His upbringing definitely spoiled him, but Tristan recognizes his biases for what they are and chooses to embrace them anyway.

Known Relatives: Cledwyn Argent (Father); Eleanor Tremain Argent (mother); Adeline (sister), age 11

Height: 5'8"
Appearance: Blue eyes, Dark blond/light brown hair typically worn long, lanky build with definite signs he isn't done growing yet

RP sample:
Adeline was a pest. Sisters, as a rule, were pests, and younger sisters were a special form of unruly demon, but Adeline was working her way up to being locked in the Muggle restroom and left in King's Cross station until she was a second year. It wasn't any one thing that she was doing, Tristan decided. It was everything. It was every word she uttered and every time she touched him and MER-LIN'S PANTS if she didn't stop humming...

Someone was going to get seriously hurt.

Tristan twisted around in his seat on the top of his trunk so that his shoulders were hunched around his ears and his back was to his sister. Maybe she'd get sorted into a house that fed their young to the squid. He'd cross his fingers and toes that it was so. As the little girl skipped off to examine the train, Tris reached around in his bag, hoping to find a snack. He knew that he'd packed half the pantry in this bag, forcing the house elves to perform shrinking charms so everything fit.

His fingers had just brushed the edge of a chocolate frog when he heard a short squeal of pain. One of the ruddy second years had tripped Adeline, and she sulked on the pavement. Tristan exploded from his seat, his expression thunderous.

"Bloody Hecate, kid. I'm about to throw you under the train."

[Played by: Ole Sorensen]

Avalon, Evelyn

Evelyn Lidia Avalon
SS - School extension


  • Full Name: Evelyn Lidia Avalon
  • Nickname/Aliases: Evie
  • Date of Birth: October 3rd, 2048
  • Hair: Blond
  • Eyes: Blue-gray
  • Height: 5'7"


Evie is light of foot and seems to move to a music that no one else can hear. She is slender and pale, although she has no fear of the outdoors and no clue about sunscreen potions. Her style of dress is generally vintage and dreamy.

Personal History

Due to her gift of Sight, Evelyn Avalon has always been characterized as 'not quite right' by those around her.  Although her siblings and parents are used to her nonsensical statements and unique speech patterns, even they struggle with Evie's coping mechanism of detaching from the world around her.  In spite of her quirks, Evie is intensely loyal and loving.
As a Hufflepuff at Hogwarts, Evie was a loner.  It was only the fierce protection of her older sisters Caroline and Briony that kept Evie from becoming the victim of bullying.  Although she did not outwardly show signs that she realized she was incapable of making friends easily, Evie felt the loneliness keenly.
Her inability to connect and fit in drove her easily back to the family's business The Avalon Inn, a cozy bed and breakfast for both Muggles and Wizardingkind located in the Lake Country.  Her proficiency with numbers comes in handy, as Evie is acts as bookkeeper and works the front desk at the Inn.  She is mostly very content to help run the place with her parents and younger brother Tobias.
In recent history, Evie reunited with an old friend and equally free spirit, Tolliver Bones.  Tolliver, although occasionally disturbed by her Gift, is the most spontaneous person Evie has ever met, and she is enjoying living in the moment for the first time ever.
Played by Romola Garai

Bartlett, Rebecca

Rebecca Bartlett
TDS - Camp

Birthday: November 27
Age at RP start (1970): 21
Former House: Ravenclaw
Hair: Red. Very, very red
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'7"
Specialty/strengths: Poisions/antipoisons and disguise
Weaknesses: Self-defense and curses

Personality: Feisty and sometimes impetuous. Driven and ambitious. Desires to prove herself and to be seen for who she really is, especially after being seen as a body for so long. Competitive. Lonely. Who knows what she'd be like if she really had a friend who didn't leave?

Background Information: After leaving Hogwarts, Becca got a job working in Diagon Alley to earn money. She was Muggle-born and wanted to live within the Wizarding world, and she was especially interested in being in the most elite - the Aurors. First, she needed to prove she could support herself, and she did that through several odd jobs. Her life changed once Madame Malkin promoted Rebecca to model robes. It was a good paying job, but there was more public exposure than the very private Rebecca would have wanted. Ultimately, she got caught up in modeling (she moved on to Muggle modeling because it paid better) for long enough to make some big mistakes in love and professionally. She has a good sized nest egg now, and the kind of wardrobe most girls would kill for, but Rebecca doesn't want people to pay attention to her face or her figure now that she's intent on being the best Auror of all time.

Bones, Hunter

Grace Hunter Bones


Hunter Bones is currently the Lifestyle section editor at the Daily Prophet. She has been employed at the Daily Prophet since 2069 and has been section editor since 2073.

Full Name: Grace Hunter Bones
DOB: August 10, 2043
  • Hair: Auburn
  • Eyes: Hazel
  • Height: 5'5"
Other Details:
  • Wand: 8" hawthorn wood, dragon heartstring, swishy
  • House: Slytherin

Personality and Appearance

With her auburn locks, smoky hazel eyes, and brightly mischievous grin, Hunter Bones is unarguably one of the most appealing journalists in the Wizarding world. She doesn't rest on her good looks, however, and interview subjects should be wary lest they admit to too much or spark her reporters' instincts, for Hunter won't hestitate to go for the kill in order to get the story. She hates to be underestimated as a female in the business and will generally do anything to disprove whatever label she's been given. The only label she enjoys is "journalist", and she loves to live up to the best and worst stereotypes of that profession.

Hunter has a wide stubborn streak, leading her to dig in her heels every time someone tells her she can't do something. Being a Slytherin, Hunter has enormous ambitions and drive to prove her mettle. On the flip, and in her personal life, she generally cares very little about what people think of her or maintaining a good reputation, aside from her reputation in the field. Occasionally, she will come across as quirky, but really she is just self-confident and fearless.

Personal History

Hunter comes from a middle class pureblood family that is heavy on the good name (think Amelia Bones) and light on the Galleons. Due to her familial history, Hunter has a great deal of pride in her family tree, but not to the point where she felt bad about being sorted into Slytherin over Hufflepuff. While at school, Hunter was driven to attain good grades, and she entered Wizarding University immediately upon graduating in 2061. She studied Journalism as the Edinburgh campus.

Upon completion of her university degree in 2065, Hunter went to work at Teen Witch. Although happy to have a job in the field, the work itself left much to be desired: tracking fashion trends, writing for a teen demographic, and writing reviews for any number of glittery cosmetics. She was delighted to get a job with the Daily Prophet in 2069 and take on more substantial writing projects. Although she is now a section editor and managing a small group of reporters herself, Hunter's long term plans include writing books - and she is currently pursuing several ideas.

Bott, Ellsworth

Ellsworth Joy Bott
SS - School extension


Nicknames/Aliases: Ells, Ellie
Age: 22 (in 2071)
Birthday: 8 August

Hair: Dark blond, worn long in braids
Eyes: Light blue
Height: 5'6"
Physical Appearance: Ellsworth has delicate features and a peaches-and-cream complexion. She often wears glasses and a hair style of diminishing braids while in her laboratory, the less elaborate her hairstyle, the more deeply entrenched in some sort of mischief she is. Ells is slender and always looks well kept.

Personality: Being the second born in a legendary family, Ells is very proud and a bit haughty. She isn't afraid of hard work, although it typically only surfaces when she's working on one of her "experiments". She can be extremely logical when it comes to work life, but she is excellent at compartmentalizing... which means she isn't logical at all when it comes to her personal life. Ells is a complete troublemaker and has a mischievous streak a mile long. She hides it well with a dry wit and detached air.

History: Ells is not the heir to the Bott fortune, but it doesn't really bother her. She is completely a Daddy's girl, taking after her curious and eccentric father in many ways. Her life splits neatly into sections, part of her time spent in her laboratory working on new products for the Bott family business, and part of her time acting as the family representative in a variety of international committees and charities. She is one of the most internationally photographed witches, although it doesn't really appeal to her now that she receives a steady influx of fanowls that keep her from getting work done.

More to come as Ells is played more...

Played by Katie Cassidy

Branxton, Genevieve

Genevieve Branxton
SS - School RPG

Callahan, Ella

Ella Renee Callahan
[Picture to come]
TDS - Gen 3

Age/Year at start of RP: 15/5th year
Class: 2029-36

Hair: Dark blonde and shoulder length. Ella usually wears it with finger waves, a scarf, or a variety of funky barrettes.
Eyes: Dark blue
Physical: Ella is a little tall for her age, but she will definitely develop her mother's willowy frame. She floats more than walks and moves like a dancer, but she isn't the least bit athletic (more's the shame, since she comes from a Quidditch heritage). Ella isn't a classic beauty, but she has a very sweetly pretty face and was well known at Beauxbatons for having a sonnet written about her perfect cupid's bow mouth.

Pet: Striped tabby cat that is mostly eyes and ears named Vincent
Wand: 8 inches, holly, unicorn hair, whippy

Background: The Callahan family spent the last two years in France while they were on limited contract with the French national league. Ella attended Beauxbatons during that time, and it helped a great deal in the formation of her personality. She is very dreamy and artistic, and she sometimes seems to live in her own world. This is a result both of her spending a lot of time alone when she was younger, as well as an active effort on Andi's part to ensure that her children didn't suffer from the same doubt and self-esteem issues that she did. Ella is very comfortable with who she is, and it is obvious that she is moving to a rhythm all her own. The Winston Seer heritage manifests itself through her artwork. She's deep in denial about it.

After two years in France, the Callahans returned home only a few weeks before term started. The reason was hushed up to avoid a newspaper scandal or gossiping. Ella does not miss France and probably doesn't want to speak much on what happened there. She has developed the slightest of accents from her time in France.

Andi and Blake play for the Hornets once again. They live in Hampstead, in the cottage their two children grew up in. Connor Callahan is a first year this term.

Colton, Edward

Edward Colton (Cole)

Teaches: Ancient Runes
Age: 37
Years at Hogwarts: 6
Hair: Longish dark brown
Eyes: Pale green-blue, like a green bottle glass
General Physical: Cole enjoys the solitariness of running, so he has a runner’s build. He has olive skin, made darker from the sun.
Personality: A bit arrogant. Proud of his accomplishments and of his cleverness. Passionate about his class and other things. Loved his wife – still loves her, although he’s too proud to really come out and say so.
History: Married to Wei for several years, but they very currently had a falling out over some differences. Halfblood.

[Excerpt from Wei's bio:
She had a brief fling with Cole in her final year at school, but otherwise had a fairly uneventful time

With special permission, she spent a brief time at a muggle institute, studying some aspects of Astronomy, before returning to the wizarding world to take a position in the ministry. After several years a position became available at Hogwart's teaching Astronomy, and she gladly accepted the post.

While there she became reaquainted with Cole, who was teaching Ancient Runes. They rekindled their previous fling, leading to their marriage a few years later. However as the years passed, they found that their schedules, and other work conflicts were driving them apart. They split six months ago.]

Cooper, Alec

Alec Cooper
SS - MoM extension

Birthday 14 June 2031
Marriage 7 May 2065, to Anjelica Lainey

2063 - Rejoins the aurors and starts seeing Alec/Christmas with the Coopers

Cooper, Brennan

Brennan Cooper
SS - MoM

DOB: September 17th, 2017

Parents: I honestly dont' remember their names, but I think they are in the whatchamaChristmas thread in this forum and I will look later.

Siblings: Cassandra Rae-Branxton, 10 years younger. Alec Cooper, 13 years younger.

Favorite Childhood memory: Getting his first broom. He had a golden childhood, so he loved it all and he was an only child up until he was 10. He was probably 8 or 9 when he got the broom.

Hogwarts House: Slytherin

Best Hogwarts moment: Obviously his first kiss with Miss Clara Belle.

Accomplishments at Hogwarts: Good grades, most popular and well liked boy at school.

NEWTS: 9 NEWTS (is that good?)

Post-Hogwarts Job: Liason to the French Ministry

Relationship stuff: No known relationships, although rumored dalliance with Clara for his entire professional career. Married now.

Hobbies: Quidditch. Reading. Writing his memoirs.

Post Hogwarts accomplishments: Youngest Minister of Magic in history (or so he claims). Will one day own two Quidditch teams, owns one for now.

Children: Pfft

Current job: Minister of Magic

Recent endeavors: Wedding and month-long honeymoon

Favorite Quidditch Team: Wasps (he owns them)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Darcy, Bronwyn

Bronwyn Darcy
TDS - Gen 1
(Nostalgic moment... first RP character ever)

(called Wyn by friends)
House: Slytherin
Year: 7
Blood: pure
Eyes: gray
Hair: longish, black hair, usually worn in a thick braid
Height: 5'8"
Personality: Wavering on the line... has a deeply compassionate, sweet heart, but also has a sharply sarcastic wit. Wants to be accepted in her house
Extra: Her parents are death eaters, but she doesn't think she has it in her to follow in their footsteps. She lacks the courage at this point to walk away from her family, but she does not approve of what her family does.

Bronwyn Renata Darcy is the younger daughter of Tynan and Regan Darcy. She is 16-years-old, her birthday being January 19th. She has one older sister, Rianna Darcy Mulciber, know to Wyn as Ree.

Tynan and Regan had an arranged marriage of sorts, done for the good of "the family." Regan's father, Xavier McDaw, is one of the most powerful wizards in Scotland and from a very old family. Being powerful in his own right, he never wanted to serve Voldemort and was unaware of Darcy's alliances. It was never a love match, and, after producing two heirs, Regan immersed herself in Wizarding Society and is seldom at home. Not that Tynan notices.

Tynan is a strong Wizard. He is only 42-years-old but is a well-respected part of society. His family was Dark for many generations. Regan was a great beauty in her day but is merely ambitious and manipulative, not evil. She falls in with whoever is in power.

Rianna takes after her mother. She is a beauty of great renown. In her childhood, Ree was her daddy's princess, being first, beautiful, and obedient. Wyn failed by being another girl, merely pretty, and a little scrapper. She can never quite get Tynan's approval, although she tried for many years. Ree was married right out of Hogwarts to Darien Mulciber, only son of DE Mulciber and now a DE himself. She is expecting their first child in January.

Wyn loves her sister dearly, although she is jealous of her father's love. She would do anything for Ree, but she also keeps her at a healthy distance. Having been compared to Ree all her life, she tries to avoid such situations. Upon first meeting the elder Malfoy, he proclaimed her "not as pretty as the other daughter," and that's really how she's considered herself ever since. Many DE forget Tynan even has a second daughter - sometimes Tynan seems to forget as well.

The Darcy estate is located quite near the McMillan estate. Robert McMillan is a DE, and his son Johnathan and Wyn were thrown together quite a lot from an early age. With the absence of her own mother, Wyn grew very attached to John's and often pretended she was her daughter and John's sister. Mrs. McMillan's death was as hard on Wyn as it was on John, although she doesn't show it as much and holds much less anger towards Robert. She didn't witness the murder and John hasn't really spoken to her of that day. She and John continue to this day to be best friends, although her father now discourages it because of John's position regarding Voldemort.

Wyn does well in school. Her best subjects are Transfiguration and Ancient Runes, much to her father's dismay. He views those subjects as next to useless. Her wand is 9 inches, oak, unicorn tail hair.

Essington, Talia

Talia Essington
TDS - Rrrabbits

Granger, Adriana

Adriana (Ana) Granger

Teaches: Charms
Age: 32
Years at Hogwarts: 3
Hair: Wavy dark auburn to mid back that she always wears up in a severe, professional bun
Eyes: Dark brown
Height: 5’5”
General Physical: Petite, shapely, pale
Personality: Serious, studious, takes her job seriously and believes everything in her life is about her job.

History: Ana is the illegitimate daughter of Hermione Granger and a wizard who is not known to Ana. Her mother was on the fast track to being of great importance in the Wizarding World when she got pregnant. She gave it all up to raise Adriana, marrying Ron Weasley after a few years. Adriana retained her mother’s last name, although Ron raised her as his own. She was idealistic and wildly romantic in her youth but was scorned by the man she thought she loved. Now, she’s set her sights on more serious pursuits, wanting to prove her worth and make the mark in the world that her mother wasn’t able to.

17 - graduated Hogwarts
17-21 - nanny for Charles Blackburn, children Jenna and Claire
21 - 22 - lived with Jared Blackburn in Ireland until he left her there
22 - 29 - taught at Northgrove Private Academy for Talented Witches in PEI, Canada
29 - 32 - taught Charms at Hogwarts

Hopton, Rome

Rome Hopton
SS - School extension

Name: Rome Hopton
Date of Birth: June 6, 2014
Age: 53
Education: Hogwarts (2025 - 2032) Ravenclaw

Appearance -
Hair: Light Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 162 lbs
Defining Physical Features: wears glasses

Background -

Born into a happy family, Rome grew up surrounded by two devoted brothers, well educated parents and a congenial staff. He attended Hogwarts along with his older brothers having been sorted in Ravenclaw with them as well. While in Hogwarts he excelled in Transfiguration, Charms and Potions. After graduating Hogwarts he dedicated himself to running his Father’s empire with his brothers after his retirement.

Extra In-Depth Analysis -

Wisconsin 1st Brother
Emery 2nd Brother
Rome 3rd Brother

(Per Ama)

Howard, Caedwyn

Caedwyn Howard
SS - MoM

Nicknames: Cade, Cady
Birthdate: March 22, 2046

Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond, middle length
Height: 5'9"

Years at Hogwarts: 2057 - 2064
House: Hufflepuff


NEWT Scores
Ancient Runes: O
Arithmancy: O
Astronomy: E
Care of Magical Creatures: O
Charms: E
Defense Against the Dark Arts: E
Herbology: A
History of Magic: O
Muggle Studies: E
Potions: O
Transfiguration: O

2064 - 2067: Greater London Crup Rescue - Acted as administrative clerk, trainer, and field agent.  Developed advanced filing system for office and introduced tagging and new owner training initiatives.  Handled crup retrieval and reintegration.

2067 - 2073: Howard-Marsham Wizarding Investigation and Security Services - Served as office administrator, researcher, and wizarding investigator.  Managed incoming and outgoing cases, filing system, and billing.  Developed comprehensive background files and made use of Muggle and Magical technologies to aid in investigation.  Working proficiency in disguise, decoy, and surveillance in the field.

2073-2074: Howard-Marsham Wizarding Investigation and Security Services

Caedwyn graduated from Hogwarts (Hufflepuff) in 2064.  Although her family has money and she didn't need to immediately enter the job market, Cade has a do-gooder spirit and preferred to keep busy.  Her favorite class at Hogwarts was Care of Magical Creatures, and it was a natural step for her to begin in an entry level position at the Greater London Crup Rescue.  Within a few shorts months, her analytical nature reared its head and she had revamped the entire office.  She easily moved on to handling crup retrievals and retrainings, aided especially with her compassionate nature and broad streak of stubbornness.

In late 2066, Cade attended a party to celebrate the promotion of her Uncle Gaellen to captain in the International Task Force.  At this party, she met Clinton Howard, a distinguished retired officer several years her senior.  Although theirs was a May-December romance, it was also a whirlwind courtship, and Cade married within a few short months.  Much to the consternation of her parents, she spent the bulk of her inheritance investing in her husband's new business venture, a wizarding investigation and security agency.  Although they struggled initially, forcing Clint to take on a partner in Torian Marsham, they began to turn a profit within a few short years.

Much of the success of this business could be attributed to the contributions of Cade, who once again streamlined the filing and billing systems and soon moved on to case work research, surveillance, and field work.

On July 28, 2071, Carrigan Howard was born.  Cade spent some time at home, although the little girl had plenty of doting grandparents, and she was soon able to return to set the office in order once again.  In January 2073, Clinton was killed in the middle of investigating a case that remains unsolved to this day.  After a brief period of mourning, Cade stepped in as partner in the firm in Clint's place.  Without his guiding hand and with Marsham's shady dealings, the firm began to lose money.  Realizing this quite early, Cade opted to take Marsham's offer to buy her out of the business, hoping to use that money to set up housekeeping as she looked for a new job and career.

Caedwyn is an iron will wrapped in a cream puff.

From application:  "My father always called me a Classic Hufflepuff, mostly due to my unswerving stubbornness - particularly in seeking the answer to a problem in the field or proving my point of view.  I'm also a loyal heart, having never left a job until life changes made it absolutely necessary.  I believe I'm extremely trustworthy.

Out of work, my passions include working with animals.  I continue to volunteer at the Crup Rescue a few days each month.  Other interests include Muggle-style cooking classes and a life-long love of reading.  My embarrassing secret love of Muggle and Wizarding pulp fiction and romance novels will not get in the way of my doing my job well."

To Whom it May Concern,

I have worked with Caedwyn Tate Howard for the past seven years, first as an administrative help around Howard-Marsham Wizarding Investigation and Security Services, later as a field agent and researcher once her prodigious skills became apparent, and finally as a partner when her husband died and she was forced to step into his place in the business.  Her ability to assimilate information and produce a quality final product regardless of what was asked of her has proven invaluable throughout her career with us, and I will be very sorry to lose her remarkable skill set.

During her time with Howard-Marsham, Caedwyn revolutionized our filing and billing systems, saving us hundreds of Galleons in lost time and paperwork.  Her hard-nosed persistence in seeking out information and ability to see things from a fresh perspective brought difficult cases to resolution on more than one occasion.

All told, Caedwyn is a valuable asset to any organization and I cannot recommend her any more highly.

Torian Marsham
Marsham Wizarding Investigative and Security Services

Jovic, Slone


Slone Jovic
UTD - Firefly RPG

File No.: 7643948-J

Name: Slone Jovic
Known aliases: Scratch

Physical Appearance:
• Gender: Male
• Height: 6'0”
• Hair Color: Dark Brown
• Eye Color: Blue

Place of Birth: New Melbourne
Date of Birth: 18 March 2535

Known Relatives: West Jovic (father, Alliance fishery manager), Henrietta Petersen (mother, homemaker)

• 2541-2547: Traditional schooling through 6th grade level, New Melbourne
• 2547-2553: Academy of the Arts, Sihnon (Classical training in the Fine Arts)

Known Allegiances: Assumed Alliance allegiance
Addendum: Assumed black market dealings. Allegiance unknown.

Known Occupations: Artist, Parts Dealer

Known Job History:
• 2553-2555: Artist in Residence, Madrassa House
• 2555-Present: Artist, Ita moon

File Notation (Sihnon): Although Jovic is a classically trained artist and gainfully employed in that field, his style of living is not commiserate with the credits earned as artist at the Companion residence. Suspected black market dealings.

File Notation (Sihnon): Prior to arrest, Jovic stowed away aboard a settler transport headed to the new settlement on New Canaan. File forwarded to authority on that planet to pick up Jovic as soon as he arrives for questioning.

File Notation (Ita): Settler transport Icarus left Jovic in the Ita medical facility upon arrival. Jovic suffers from extreme claustrophobia and neuroses related to anxiety and is unable to accomplish interplanetary travel without significant sedation.

Final Notation (Ita): Due to insufficient resources and the inability of the subject to leave Ita, we choose not to pursue Jovic at this time.

Played by
Gregory Smith

Kettleburn, Albert

Albert Kettleburn
SS - School extension

Kettleburn, Copernicus

Copernicus Kettleburn
SS - School RPG

Leiden, Nora

Nora Leiden
SS - School RPG

Brief Profile: Leiden is NOT evil. She merely believes that no one can care about and care for the students like she can. She's a bit obsessed with safety, and is ready to put aside whether or not the students like her in favor of making things safe. EEEeee... watch out, pointless rules.

Malfoy, Orion

Orion Malfoy
TDS - Gen 2

Age at RP start: 16
House: Slytherin
Hair: Pale blond; he used to wear it long and now wears it short and spiky
Eyes: Gray/ silver
Height: 6'1"
Excels at: Whatever really interests him, mostly CoMC and Herbology
Worst subject: Anything that requires work or study, or anything he deems boring
Personality: Orion is a trouble maker, with a "take what you want, do what you want" attitude towards school work, girls, and life in general.

Background Information
After Hogwarts, Draco married a French pureblood as his father intended. Orion had much the same influence in his life as Draco did, although his mother was much more proactive in his raising and Draco was less hard on him. Orion was raised with the belief that he is basically Wizarding royalty. He doesn't do things he dislikes and he generally does whatever he has to in order to get the things he wants. Somehow, he's managed to pass each year in school... *coughDracocough*. He doesn't currently have a particular interest in any one girl, but he satisfies his needs with the girl of the moment. Orion also doesn't have the same passion for hating Muggles and Muggle-born Wizards as his father and grandfather, in fact a lot of his clothing, etc. influences were stolen from Muggle Studies texts. He just thinks he should get what he wants.

Mulciber, Darien Aidan

Darien Aidan Mulciber
TDS - Gen 2

Age at 'start' of RP: 19
Former House: Slytherin
Job: Intern at Knockturn Alley apothecary... not because he needs the money, but because he wants to
Hair: longish black
Eyes: Dark blue
Physical: Tall, wiry, subtley good looking, tries to blend in

Bit o' the background: Aidan graduated from Hogwarts a year ago. He is not at all close to his Winston side, despite any efforts on the twins' part to befriend him. He is a total loner, and he disdains weakness in anyone, including himself. He hates his father for being foolish enough to get caught, but has fallen in with the same crowd. Aidan is deep into some of the dark arts out of curiosity and a search for power, but he feels that a pursuit of pure-blooded mania and pointless torture are a waste of effort.

He is pretty low on the totem pole in the Death Eaters, but because of his father and because of his grandfather, he is considered something of a legacy. He so hates that :).

Oblansk, Alexander

Alexander Oblansk
SS - Goblet for Bulgaria

House: Bundimun, 4th year
Heritage: Pureblood
Hair: Wavy chestnut hair worn a bit long
Eyes: Cinnamon brown
Height: 6'0" (tail end of a growth spurt)
Strengths: Potions, Transfig
Weaknesses: DADA

Alexander is the nephew of the current Prime Minister of Bulgaria and has been groomed since birth for a role in the leadership of the Wizarding World. Much to the dismay of his parents and other relatives, Alexander is bookish and a bit intro-verted, being much more interested in learning and researching than in one day leading Bulgaria. He is in Bundimun, the house for learners, rather than in Chimaera, were his family typically resides. Alexander doesn't have many close friends, because many are intimidated by his so-called 'status' but he's a compassionate, intellectual boy who is still trying to figure out exactly who he wants to be.

Perry, Josef

Josef Perry
SS - School RPG

Brief Profile: Josef is the fastest rising Ministry official in years. He overcompensates for a sense of inferiority and paranoia that everyone else cares about his youth by being unbearably patronizing and a bit egotistical. He has little control of his students.

Potter, Jackson

Jackson Potter
TDS - Gen 3

Age/Year at start of RP: 12/ 2nd year
Class: 2031-38

Hair: Black, of the messy variety
Eyes: Emerald green
Physical: He's 12, man. All arms and legs. He's going to end up with a Potter build, although he managed to inherit some Winston height. He's solidly built and a bundle of energy.

Pet: Brown barn owl named Turkey
Wand: 9.5 inches, maple, phoenix feather, slightly springy

Background: Jack is the oldest child of Quinn and Rusty Potter. He has inherited more than his share of arrogance and bravado, but he's a kid with his heart in the right place. He's very proud of his heritage as of now, although he gets really embarassed when his mom makes him spend time in her shop with all the lady-things.

Jack is a rascal and has only just realized that girls are super fun to torment... but he isn't sure why yet. He'll be a heartbreaker.

Jack's father plays for the Hampstead Hornets, and his mother owns the QP shops in Diagon Alley and our unnamed village. They now rent otu the flat in DA and own a nice house in the village. Jack has grown up around and across from the school, and he terrorized the whole village in his youth. He feels ownership of the school in some ways, and he's ready to terrorize that.

He adores his younger brother, but he'd never admit it. He's scared to death of his younger sister, but she's QP in training. He idolizes his father and grandfather, but he really is in awe of his Uncle Al.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Rae-Branxton, Cassandra

Cassandra Rae-Branxton
SS - School RPG


Date of Birth 18 September 2028
Hogwarts 2039-2046, Ravenclaw
Significant Other Alexander Rae (b.2020, d.2050)
Significant Other Doyle Branxton(2058-present)
Children Sophia and Genevieve (June 2,2061)
Marcus Orion (Summer 2066)
DADA Professor 2051-2055, 2056-2067
Ravenclaw Head of House 2053-2055
Headmistress 2056-2067
Previous Occupation Auror - 2046-2050

Height 5'8"
Hair Honey blond, shoulder length
Eye Color Gray
Cece, Cassie, Rae

Personality and History
From her earliest days at Hogwarts, Cassandra Cooper was in training to become an advocate and a fighter. Cassandra Cooper was sorted into Ravenclaw, where she excelled in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Charms. Even before leaving Hogwarts, Cece knew that she wanted to be an Auror. Both she and her closest Hogwarts friend, Anjelica Lainey, immediately entered the training program at the Ministry, hoping to take up the fight against evil.

During Auror training, Cece met, fell in love with, and married Alexander Rae, one of the Auror trainers who was a few years older than her. Alexander was a fairly well-known and well-liked Auror, having gained some notoriety for his roguish charm and heroic deeds. Cassandra was a full-time Auror for almost two years, partnering with Alexander and Lainey in a variety of dangerous missions. One evening, on what should have been an easy raid, the team was lured into a trap. Alexander and Lainey were killed in the fight, and Cassandra was injured and pulled out by another team member. Although the death of Alexander left Cassandra a well-publicized widow, she was distraught over the loss of her husband and best friend on the same day.

Within a year of their deaths, Cassandra Rae was approached by Headmistress Loryen at Hogwarts. Seeing that Rae was a skilled Auror who no longer had the heart for field work, and also that Rae needed new direction in her life, Loryen offered her the position of DADA Professor. At Hogwarts, Rae discovered a new passion and direction for her life. All the energy she had once poured into being an Auror was soon poured into shaping young minds. She was especially concerned with helping students learn to think for themselves, protect themselves, and see the bigger picture. Her most notable achievement as a professor was the development of the Young Auror's Club, an organization that extended Defense classes and developed additional skills in those students who were interested in pursuing a career in law enforcement.

After 2 years, Rae was asked to take on the position of Head of House for her beloved Ravenclaws. Two years later, she became Headmistress, one of the youngest witches in history to take this post. Although Rae hoped that her time as Headmistress would be marked by peace and security, she was plagued by trouble after trouble.

Within a short time of her gaining the Headmistress office, Rae hired a new professor for the position of Potions Master. Knowing that Professor Doyle Branxton was most likely a spy placed in the school by the Minister of Magic (Rae's own brother, Brennan Cooper), Rae hired him regardless. Their attraction was unavoidable; the two were married less than two years later. Their union has thus far produced three children, twins Genevieve and Sophia were born in 2061 and son Marcus Orion was born in 2066.

Although the Branxton children were raised for years at Hogwarts, Cassandra and Doyle finally decided the children needed more parental attention. Doyle left his position at Hogwarts and moved with the children to a country manor, taking special interest in their education and acting in large part as a single parent. During this time, Cassandra remained at the school, although it was obvious her heart wasn't in it.

After a year away from her family, Rae decided she was no longer needed at Hogwarts. The school was safe, aside from Ministry meddling on occasion, and her passion for justice and desire to protect the innocent was no longer necessary at the ancient school. Rae was offered a role in a secret mission in parts unknown. Between this, and the opportunity to spend time with her children and husband, Rae departed from Hogwarts with a heavy heart.

Currently: At this time, former Headmistress Rae-Branxton has retired from her life of adventure and taken up full time motherhood. In addition to her three children, Rae is also the guardian of two young women she rescued during her travels, Alena and Natalya Angelov. She is working to introduce the girls to society and help them adapt as productive members of society.

She is no longer an active Auror. For now. It's unlikely Cassandra Rae-Branxton will be able to stay inactive for long, but her family is proving to be enough motivation to stay home for the time being.

Ryerson, Celeste

user posted image

Celeste Ryerson
UTD - Firefly RPG

File No.: 6518943-C

Name: Celeste Ryerson
Known aliases: Rye, Ryerson, Celia Ryerson Grieco

Physical Appearance:
• Gender: Female
• Height: 5'9”
• Weight: 125
• Hair Color: Dark Brown
• Eye Color: Dark Brown

Status: Known mercenary

Place of Birth: Western Landing settlement, Three Hills
Date of Birth: 23 August 2533

Known Relatives: Laurence Grieco (husband, deceased); Iago Ryerson (uncle, deceased); Franklin Ryerson (father, deceased); Margaret Ryerson (mother, deceased); Natalie Ryerson (sister, status unknown)

Education: Through 6th grade confirmed. Additional education and weapons training assumed.

Known Allegiances: No known allegiance

Known Occupations: Security, Mercenary, Master of Arms

Known Job History:
• 2551-2553: Private security, Greenleaf
• 2553-2554: Mercenary; Ship: Laoshu
• 2554-2554: Security; Humanitarian Ship: Mercy
• 2554-2556: Master of Arms; Ship: St Lucia
• 2556-2557: Security; Ship: Frisco
• 2557-2558: Mercenary; Ship: Zhihui

Last Known Location: Kalidasa Outpost, Kalidasa System

Played by
Asia Argento

Shannon, Tacey

Posted Image

Tacey Jenna Shannon
TDS - Gen 3

Age/Year at start of RP: 15/ 5th year
Class: 2029-36

Hair: Black hair, catches blue-like highlights in sunlight
Eyes: Dark brown, nearly black
Physical: Tacey is a petite fireball. She doesn't hold still for long, which usually proves detrimental as she has a clumsy streak. She hasn't really developed yet, much to her frustration, but she already acknowledges that she's going to be small for the rest of her life.

Pet: None, but she REALLY wants an owl
Wand: 8.5 inches, oak, dragonheart string, fairly rigid

Background: Tacey is the biological daughter of Bryce Macnair, although she has no idea. Her mother fell in with a bad crowd while living abroad, but once she realized she was pregnant, she pulled her life back together and moved home. Tacey has been raised solely by her mother, although she also had a close relationship with her grandparents before they died. She and her mother had a quiet enough life, although Hannah Shannon struggled to make ends meet at times.

The day a wizard appeared on her doorstep (Alex) to tell her about being a witch was a very happy day, as it introduced her to a whole new world that she fit well into, but also a sad one. She was leaving her mother alone, something that Tacey never wanted to do. She has no idea who her father is, although she knows she must look like him... she looks almost nothing like her mother.

Tacey is friendly and outgoing, but she has a stubborn streak that is legendary. She can also have a temper, something that developed from having to look after her mother all those years. She is fierce in her loyalty, but once she dislikes you... it's almost set in stone.

Hannah Shannon works as a receptionist. She also pulls shifts as a waitress on odd weekends.

Silvetti, Giuseppe

Giuseppe Silvetti
SS RPR extended

Tate, Gaellen

Gaellen Lennox Tate

Nicknames: Casey/Case, Tate
Age: 36 (as of 9/1/70)
Birthdate: September 1, 2034

Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Dark brown, worn short
Height: 6'2"

Years at Hogwarts: 2045-2052
House: Gryffindor

2052-54: Travel
2054-2050: Special Services for the International Confederation of Wizards (1 year of training)
2060-2062: Recruited by International Task Force and sent to Tibet for Yeti Patrol
2062-2067: Promoted to the Voldemortist Task Force in Europe
2068: Promoted to European Field Commander

Gaellen "Casey" Tate is the youngest son of Madog and Miriam Tate by more than a few years. His three older brothers were out of the house by the time he came along, leaving Tate to be the amusing afterthought for two older parents. His dark looks and broad build are a significant departure from the fair, slim Tates; it has always been obvious that Case is adopted. His mother was fond and affectionate; his father was willing to put up with her whims and treated Case with amused detachment.

At Hogwarts, Case was a bit of a troublemaker and much more interested in enjoying his time at school than in really learning anything. He was a known prankster, although his broad Gryffindor streak kept him from actively bullying anyone. It was at Hogwarts he developed a clear sense of right and wrong (which he interpreted loosely for himself) and a broad streak of fatalism. After school, Case's father paid for his son to follow in the family tradition of spending a year abroad in an attempt to get to 'know himself'. One year turned into two, but in due time, Case found himself training for the International Wizarding Convention's Special Services, a highly regarded security detail. The job was not at all what his parents had envisioned for Case, but he found it a heck of a lot more interesting than any desk jobs.

After only 5 years at IWC, Case was recruited by the International Task Force, an elite international law enforcement body with a broad review. He started at the bottom rung, on Yeti patrol in Tibet, but after only a few years, he garnered a sweet assignment in Europe. As late as spring, 2070, Case was Field Commander, overseeing the team seeking Voldemortist. Unfortunately, due to some political fallout, Case had to choose between a demotion to Northern Canada as what is fondly known as a "Sasquatch Sitter" or acting as handler for Voldemortist at Hogwarts next year.

For the most part, Casey has retained his good-natured and playful ways. He can still be a jokester, although he has a better sense for when it is welcome. After his time in law enforcement, however, Case is very task-oriented and all good feelings disappear when there is important work to be done. He can go very quickly from being your chum and buddy to pulling rank when it is called for, and he has a very clear sense for structuring the hierarchy of leadership. He is ultimately thick-skinned and doesn't take most things personally, but Case is also loyal to a fault and will beat your face in if you look askance as someone he feels protective of.

In his past jobs, and now at Hogwarts, Case feels clear boundaries for making what is work WORK and leaving play out of it. He has definite opinions about relationships with those you work with, and about on-duty behavior, and those will probably come out during the term. Aside from a bit of interaction through the years, Case has almost no experience working with children and will probably struggle with not treating them like some of his officers. Part of his Gryffindor streak includes a certain stubbornness and belief in his own infallibility, which means there will be some headbutting next term. BRING IT ON.

* The Casey nickname (actually K.C. for those who care) is an old family nickname that somehow manages to sneak back into usage wherever he goes.
* Casey has a son who is now about 16 and lives in Italy.

Wallace, Kieran

Kieran Wallace
TDS - Camp

Wallace, Nathan

Nathan (Nate) Wallace
TDS - Camp

Birthday: Marsh 15
Age at RP start: 33
Former House (if Hogwarts grad): Gryffindor
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Dark blue
Height: 6'0"
Specialty/strengths: Self-defense and anti-curses/jinxes
Weaknesses: Laws and antipoisons

Personality: Impulsive, quick-tempered, and arrogant, Nate is very certain of his abilities and thinks you probably should be too. He's good looking, in that rugged-cowboy sort of way.

Background Information: For the past 10 years or so, Nate has been an Auror firmly entrenched in the public eye. He was on the fast track to Head Auror for a while, but a recent injury has him working as new Auror mentor. He's incredibly bitter about being relegated to "babysitter" and will likely take it out on all the incompetent trainees and anyone who is having a better time than he is. Which is everyone.

Nate was married to Rachel Wallace prior to his injury. She discovered she was pregnant around the same time he got hurt, and his rage was more than she was willing to put up with once they had a child. The boy's name is Kieran.

Winston, Andrea

Andrea Winston
TDS - Gen 2

Age at RP start: 16, to turn 17 in June
House: Probably Gryffindor
Hair: Sandy blond, always scrapped up into a ponytail or braid
Eyes: Gray
Height: 5'9"
Excels at: Quidditch and DADA, other physical activities
Worst subjects: Divination, Potions, anything that requires a lot of sitting still
Personality: Boisterous and bossy when it comes to sports and her "family," Andi (as she prefers to be called) is shy when it comes to boys and unsure when it comes to her studies and being girly.

Background Info
Andrea is the "middle" child, so to speak, of three. Jacob is about 14 months older and was a seventh year at the beginning of the RP. Alexa is Andrea's twin, and Andrea was born 5 minutes before her. The children grew up at Winston Manor, and Andrea has very fuzzy vague memories of Aunt Day living with them with her daughter. They were also quite close to the Potter family growing up, so Aunt Mattie, Uncle Harry, Sirius and Lily were around a lot.

Both her parents play Quidditch professionally, so Andrea is obsessed with Quidditch in a most unhealthy way. At some point in her youth, Andrea developed a strange fascination with Sirius Potter, which over time has developed into another unhealthy obsession - a crush. Andrea isn't good with boys other than as chums or fellow players, being completely unsure of herself as a "girl." She masks that uncertainty with bluster and with being an unabashed tomboy.

Winston, Jacob

Jacob Ronald Winston
TDS - Gen 2
(inherited character)

Nickname: Jake
Birthday: April 3rd
Age at start of RP: 17
Year: 7th
House: Gryffindor
Hair: blonde, short, well groomed
Eyes: brown
Height: 6' 3"
Best Class: DADA/Astronomy
Worst Class: Divination
Personality: Jake is well behaved and very polite. He seemed to pick up habits from Wyn's mother and his own grandmother, both very formal. He's quite tall and handsome. Like his father he's very athletic but he looks more like Wyn. He get his dark eyes from her. He's very protective of his twin sisters and whoever they "hang out" with especially the boys. He tends to scare most of them away sooner or later.

Jake was named for Ron Weasley who was killed by mistake while Voldemort was after Jake's father Jay. He is Jay and Wyn's oldest, with twin sisters about 14 months behind him (see above info on the Wintson twins)
Jake is such a good student, he advanced from being a Prefect in his 5th year to being selected Head Boy in his seventh. Like his father, he has a very creative side as well. He is also very protective of the two Weasley siblings that he sort of adopts as "family".

Winston, Johnathen

Johnathen Morris Winston
TDS - Gen 3
(inherited character)

Birthday: March 5, 2019
Age/Year at start of RP: 14/4th
Class: 2030/31
Hair: loose, flopsy, short, straight strawberry blonde
Eyes: Very bright blue
Physical: Tall and thin. Works very hard for the muscle tone he’s managed to get. Naturly he would tend to scrawnyness.
Pet: Labrador retriever dog named Portus, who is now getting on in years and is in fact quite portley.
Wand: 11 inches, holly, unicorn tail hair

Background: John grew up in the village across the river from McMillian. His parents, Ren and Jake Winston live with him and his sister Holly, who was born when he was just over one year old. While she is only about a year younger than him, she is two years behind him in school, something that John is quite happy about. He loves his sister and would fiercly protect her, but he doesn’t want her hanging around every second.

Growing up so close to the school, John was well familiar with it long before he attended. He grew up playing with the other children from the village, his cousins Jack and Jamie and he spent a fair ampunt of time around Ella when they were young.

John has a well developed sense of right and wrong but a certain moral flexibility, and has grown up to be a polite and well mannered boy. He would never break a rule when someone was watching, but he does have a certain disregard for rules that get in his way. As long as no one is hurt by what he does, what’s the problem?

He has worked long and hard to try and look better for the girls. He runs daily and is a chaser on his house team, which has to his delight given him a certain attraction. Last year he had a girlfriend, though truth be told it was a bit of a disaster. He’s hoping that this year will go much better in that respect.

At his schoolwork, John excels when he applies himself. He likes potions and charms, and his favourite subject at the moment is Care of Magical Creatures. He would love to be a Quidditch player when he gets older like his Aunt Andi but he holds no illusions that he is good enough for it. He thinks he might quite like to be a Healer, or maybe a Vet.

John is still wary of his parents, having left for school in the midst of their marital difficulties. He’s not sure what it was all about but he remembers it as an unhappy time, despite his parents attempts to cover it over.

Winston, Quinn

Quinn Winston
TDS - Gen 2

Wintringham, Libra

Libra Wintringham
SS RPG extended



Wojack, Stella

Stella Anne Wojack
SS - MoM extension

Posted Image

Birthday: September 7, 2047
Age: 23
Hair: Chestnut hair, usually worn long
Eyes: Dark blue
Height/Stature: 5'5"
Lineage: Halfblood

Background: Stella Wojack was always destined to be a Healer. Her father, a Polish immigrant to the UK, owned his own private practice as a Healer to the wealthy purebloods, while her mother was a well-known midwife. In fact, on Stella's maternal side, the midwife tradition is very strong, even before her mother received her Hogwarts letter. As a little girl, Papa Wojack let Stella attend patients with him, and she knew from an early age she wanted to join him in his practice.

Although Sebastjan Wojack acknowledged that Hogwarts was a very fine school, he preferred to send his oldest child to his own alma mater. Stella attended Durmstrang from 2059-2066. She was prefect, with very fine grades, and a founding member of the Potioneers Society (although she was removed from office her sixth year after trading words with the Potions Professor who apparently didn't know a well constructed cauldron from a hole in his own anatomy).

In spite of strong grades and an impressive enough CV for her age, Stella couldn't swing the necessary professor recommendations to get into the Healer intern program right out of school. She had somehow managed to offend just enough of the staff to require her to seek recommendations elsewhere. Her first job was at the Polish Ministry, where she got promoted and shifted around quite often. People loved her, and wanted nothing to do with her, and her final boss promised her a glowing recommendation if she never returned to civil service again.

Personality: Stella Anne Wojack presents a chipper and enthusiastic attitude to everything around her, although she has a nagging tendency to take challenges personally. Being an only child makes Stella accustomed to having her own way, which can bring out the stubborn side. On her worst days, one can accuse Stella of being spoiled because of her natural assumption that things will work out in the way she desires.

Most people who encounter Stella find themselves liking her... until her one big failing becomes apparent. Stella cannot shut her mouth to save her life. If she thinks it, she must say it, and she can't see any possible consequences of speaking her mind until the words have already left her mouth. And worst of all, once the words start, they're hard to start. She is a chatterbox of the worst sort.

Wolfe, Elijah

Elijah Wolfe
TDS - Gen 3
Age: 22
Position: CoMC Professor
Former House: Phoenix

Hair: Dark auburn/chestnut. Essentially, a dark brown streaked with red and gold from the sun
Eyes: Hazel
Physical: About 6' tall, Eli is solidly built and broad across the shoulders. He's a dragon tamer by trade, and he has the scars, and build, to prove it. In addition to a few burns, Eli has a nice dragon tattoo on his chest and a rune tattooed on his bicep. Mmm, tattoos.

Wand: 9", oak, dragon heartstring
Pet: Who can say for sure? Eli has a penchant for dangerous animals, but he's more responsible about it than Hagrid was. He's in talks with a woman who will bring unicorn colts to the forest on the island, and he is working to bring a few thestrals from Hagrid's herd. Eli also has the required assortment of creatures, as well as a barn owl named Hector and a huge black grim-like dog named Duncan.
THIS JUST IN :) : Aethonon colt named Honey, moke named Antone, and flobberworms named Lovely and Fancy

Background: Eli graduated from McMillian 4 years ago and went immediately into service working with dragons in Romania. He loved that work, but the solitude and increasingly dangerous behavior of his peers caused him to look for a different spot. He spent 1 year abroad, working with a variety of dangerous animals before returning to England. His father is an old friend of Jay Winston's, and he got the job at Hogwarts on Jay's recommendation. Eli is suited for the work, as he was very good at training exercises and he has the contacts necessary to start building the sort of menagerie a magical school needs. That is his primary function at Hogwarts at this time.

Personally, Eli's parents are both alive and live near London. He doesn't have a girlfriend, although he has a very high appreciation of all women. He has an admitted weakness for blonds of all shapes and sizes.

Eli is mulishly stubborn at times, and he can have quite the temper. For the most part, he reserves that flash temper for people who are dishonest with him and for people who purposefully seek to hurt others. He has a noble spirit and a generous nature, but he's just a little arrogant... and who wouldn't be when you were a dragon tamer in your past?