Sunday, August 9, 2009

Bartlett, Rebecca

Rebecca Bartlett
TDS - Camp

Birthday: November 27
Age at RP start (1970): 21
Former House: Ravenclaw
Hair: Red. Very, very red
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'7"
Specialty/strengths: Poisions/antipoisons and disguise
Weaknesses: Self-defense and curses

Personality: Feisty and sometimes impetuous. Driven and ambitious. Desires to prove herself and to be seen for who she really is, especially after being seen as a body for so long. Competitive. Lonely. Who knows what she'd be like if she really had a friend who didn't leave?

Background Information: After leaving Hogwarts, Becca got a job working in Diagon Alley to earn money. She was Muggle-born and wanted to live within the Wizarding world, and she was especially interested in being in the most elite - the Aurors. First, she needed to prove she could support herself, and she did that through several odd jobs. Her life changed once Madame Malkin promoted Rebecca to model robes. It was a good paying job, but there was more public exposure than the very private Rebecca would have wanted. Ultimately, she got caught up in modeling (she moved on to Muggle modeling because it paid better) for long enough to make some big mistakes in love and professionally. She has a good sized nest egg now, and the kind of wardrobe most girls would kill for, but Rebecca doesn't want people to pay attention to her face or her figure now that she's intent on being the best Auror of all time.

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