Saturday, August 8, 2009

Howard, Caedwyn

Caedwyn Howard
SS - MoM

Nicknames: Cade, Cady
Birthdate: March 22, 2046

Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond, middle length
Height: 5'9"

Years at Hogwarts: 2057 - 2064
House: Hufflepuff


NEWT Scores
Ancient Runes: O
Arithmancy: O
Astronomy: E
Care of Magical Creatures: O
Charms: E
Defense Against the Dark Arts: E
Herbology: A
History of Magic: O
Muggle Studies: E
Potions: O
Transfiguration: O

2064 - 2067: Greater London Crup Rescue - Acted as administrative clerk, trainer, and field agent.  Developed advanced filing system for office and introduced tagging and new owner training initiatives.  Handled crup retrieval and reintegration.

2067 - 2073: Howard-Marsham Wizarding Investigation and Security Services - Served as office administrator, researcher, and wizarding investigator.  Managed incoming and outgoing cases, filing system, and billing.  Developed comprehensive background files and made use of Muggle and Magical technologies to aid in investigation.  Working proficiency in disguise, decoy, and surveillance in the field.

2073-2074: Howard-Marsham Wizarding Investigation and Security Services

Caedwyn graduated from Hogwarts (Hufflepuff) in 2064.  Although her family has money and she didn't need to immediately enter the job market, Cade has a do-gooder spirit and preferred to keep busy.  Her favorite class at Hogwarts was Care of Magical Creatures, and it was a natural step for her to begin in an entry level position at the Greater London Crup Rescue.  Within a few shorts months, her analytical nature reared its head and she had revamped the entire office.  She easily moved on to handling crup retrievals and retrainings, aided especially with her compassionate nature and broad streak of stubbornness.

In late 2066, Cade attended a party to celebrate the promotion of her Uncle Gaellen to captain in the International Task Force.  At this party, she met Clinton Howard, a distinguished retired officer several years her senior.  Although theirs was a May-December romance, it was also a whirlwind courtship, and Cade married within a few short months.  Much to the consternation of her parents, she spent the bulk of her inheritance investing in her husband's new business venture, a wizarding investigation and security agency.  Although they struggled initially, forcing Clint to take on a partner in Torian Marsham, they began to turn a profit within a few short years.

Much of the success of this business could be attributed to the contributions of Cade, who once again streamlined the filing and billing systems and soon moved on to case work research, surveillance, and field work.

On July 28, 2071, Carrigan Howard was born.  Cade spent some time at home, although the little girl had plenty of doting grandparents, and she was soon able to return to set the office in order once again.  In January 2073, Clinton was killed in the middle of investigating a case that remains unsolved to this day.  After a brief period of mourning, Cade stepped in as partner in the firm in Clint's place.  Without his guiding hand and with Marsham's shady dealings, the firm began to lose money.  Realizing this quite early, Cade opted to take Marsham's offer to buy her out of the business, hoping to use that money to set up housekeeping as she looked for a new job and career.

Caedwyn is an iron will wrapped in a cream puff.

From application:  "My father always called me a Classic Hufflepuff, mostly due to my unswerving stubbornness - particularly in seeking the answer to a problem in the field or proving my point of view.  I'm also a loyal heart, having never left a job until life changes made it absolutely necessary.  I believe I'm extremely trustworthy.

Out of work, my passions include working with animals.  I continue to volunteer at the Crup Rescue a few days each month.  Other interests include Muggle-style cooking classes and a life-long love of reading.  My embarrassing secret love of Muggle and Wizarding pulp fiction and romance novels will not get in the way of my doing my job well."

To Whom it May Concern,

I have worked with Caedwyn Tate Howard for the past seven years, first as an administrative help around Howard-Marsham Wizarding Investigation and Security Services, later as a field agent and researcher once her prodigious skills became apparent, and finally as a partner when her husband died and she was forced to step into his place in the business.  Her ability to assimilate information and produce a quality final product regardless of what was asked of her has proven invaluable throughout her career with us, and I will be very sorry to lose her remarkable skill set.

During her time with Howard-Marsham, Caedwyn revolutionized our filing and billing systems, saving us hundreds of Galleons in lost time and paperwork.  Her hard-nosed persistence in seeking out information and ability to see things from a fresh perspective brought difficult cases to resolution on more than one occasion.

All told, Caedwyn is a valuable asset to any organization and I cannot recommend her any more highly.

Torian Marsham
Marsham Wizarding Investigative and Security Services

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