Friday, August 7, 2009

Tate, Gaellen

Gaellen Lennox Tate

Nicknames: Casey/Case, Tate
Age: 36 (as of 9/1/70)
Birthdate: September 1, 2034

Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Dark brown, worn short
Height: 6'2"

Years at Hogwarts: 2045-2052
House: Gryffindor

2052-54: Travel
2054-2050: Special Services for the International Confederation of Wizards (1 year of training)
2060-2062: Recruited by International Task Force and sent to Tibet for Yeti Patrol
2062-2067: Promoted to the Voldemortist Task Force in Europe
2068: Promoted to European Field Commander

Gaellen "Casey" Tate is the youngest son of Madog and Miriam Tate by more than a few years. His three older brothers were out of the house by the time he came along, leaving Tate to be the amusing afterthought for two older parents. His dark looks and broad build are a significant departure from the fair, slim Tates; it has always been obvious that Case is adopted. His mother was fond and affectionate; his father was willing to put up with her whims and treated Case with amused detachment.

At Hogwarts, Case was a bit of a troublemaker and much more interested in enjoying his time at school than in really learning anything. He was a known prankster, although his broad Gryffindor streak kept him from actively bullying anyone. It was at Hogwarts he developed a clear sense of right and wrong (which he interpreted loosely for himself) and a broad streak of fatalism. After school, Case's father paid for his son to follow in the family tradition of spending a year abroad in an attempt to get to 'know himself'. One year turned into two, but in due time, Case found himself training for the International Wizarding Convention's Special Services, a highly regarded security detail. The job was not at all what his parents had envisioned for Case, but he found it a heck of a lot more interesting than any desk jobs.

After only 5 years at IWC, Case was recruited by the International Task Force, an elite international law enforcement body with a broad review. He started at the bottom rung, on Yeti patrol in Tibet, but after only a few years, he garnered a sweet assignment in Europe. As late as spring, 2070, Case was Field Commander, overseeing the team seeking Voldemortist. Unfortunately, due to some political fallout, Case had to choose between a demotion to Northern Canada as what is fondly known as a "Sasquatch Sitter" or acting as handler for Voldemortist at Hogwarts next year.

For the most part, Casey has retained his good-natured and playful ways. He can still be a jokester, although he has a better sense for when it is welcome. After his time in law enforcement, however, Case is very task-oriented and all good feelings disappear when there is important work to be done. He can go very quickly from being your chum and buddy to pulling rank when it is called for, and he has a very clear sense for structuring the hierarchy of leadership. He is ultimately thick-skinned and doesn't take most things personally, but Case is also loyal to a fault and will beat your face in if you look askance as someone he feels protective of.

In his past jobs, and now at Hogwarts, Case feels clear boundaries for making what is work WORK and leaving play out of it. He has definite opinions about relationships with those you work with, and about on-duty behavior, and those will probably come out during the term. Aside from a bit of interaction through the years, Case has almost no experience working with children and will probably struggle with not treating them like some of his officers. Part of his Gryffindor streak includes a certain stubbornness and belief in his own infallibility, which means there will be some headbutting next term. BRING IT ON.

* The Casey nickname (actually K.C. for those who care) is an old family nickname that somehow manages to sneak back into usage wherever he goes.
* Casey has a son who is now about 16 and lives in Italy.

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