Sunday, August 9, 2009

Bott, Ellsworth

Ellsworth Joy Bott
SS - School extension


Nicknames/Aliases: Ells, Ellie
Age: 22 (in 2071)
Birthday: 8 August

Hair: Dark blond, worn long in braids
Eyes: Light blue
Height: 5'6"
Physical Appearance: Ellsworth has delicate features and a peaches-and-cream complexion. She often wears glasses and a hair style of diminishing braids while in her laboratory, the less elaborate her hairstyle, the more deeply entrenched in some sort of mischief she is. Ells is slender and always looks well kept.

Personality: Being the second born in a legendary family, Ells is very proud and a bit haughty. She isn't afraid of hard work, although it typically only surfaces when she's working on one of her "experiments". She can be extremely logical when it comes to work life, but she is excellent at compartmentalizing... which means she isn't logical at all when it comes to her personal life. Ells is a complete troublemaker and has a mischievous streak a mile long. She hides it well with a dry wit and detached air.

History: Ells is not the heir to the Bott fortune, but it doesn't really bother her. She is completely a Daddy's girl, taking after her curious and eccentric father in many ways. Her life splits neatly into sections, part of her time spent in her laboratory working on new products for the Bott family business, and part of her time acting as the family representative in a variety of international committees and charities. She is one of the most internationally photographed witches, although it doesn't really appeal to her now that she receives a steady influx of fanowls that keep her from getting work done.

More to come as Ells is played more...

Played by Katie Cassidy

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