Saturday, August 8, 2009

Malfoy, Orion

Orion Malfoy
TDS - Gen 2

Age at RP start: 16
House: Slytherin
Hair: Pale blond; he used to wear it long and now wears it short and spiky
Eyes: Gray/ silver
Height: 6'1"
Excels at: Whatever really interests him, mostly CoMC and Herbology
Worst subject: Anything that requires work or study, or anything he deems boring
Personality: Orion is a trouble maker, with a "take what you want, do what you want" attitude towards school work, girls, and life in general.

Background Information
After Hogwarts, Draco married a French pureblood as his father intended. Orion had much the same influence in his life as Draco did, although his mother was much more proactive in his raising and Draco was less hard on him. Orion was raised with the belief that he is basically Wizarding royalty. He doesn't do things he dislikes and he generally does whatever he has to in order to get the things he wants. Somehow, he's managed to pass each year in school... *coughDracocough*. He doesn't currently have a particular interest in any one girl, but he satisfies his needs with the girl of the moment. Orion also doesn't have the same passion for hating Muggles and Muggle-born Wizards as his father and grandfather, in fact a lot of his clothing, etc. influences were stolen from Muggle Studies texts. He just thinks he should get what he wants.

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