Saturday, August 8, 2009

Mulciber, Darien Aidan

Darien Aidan Mulciber
TDS - Gen 2

Age at 'start' of RP: 19
Former House: Slytherin
Job: Intern at Knockturn Alley apothecary... not because he needs the money, but because he wants to
Hair: longish black
Eyes: Dark blue
Physical: Tall, wiry, subtley good looking, tries to blend in

Bit o' the background: Aidan graduated from Hogwarts a year ago. He is not at all close to his Winston side, despite any efforts on the twins' part to befriend him. He is a total loner, and he disdains weakness in anyone, including himself. He hates his father for being foolish enough to get caught, but has fallen in with the same crowd. Aidan is deep into some of the dark arts out of curiosity and a search for power, but he feels that a pursuit of pure-blooded mania and pointless torture are a waste of effort.

He is pretty low on the totem pole in the Death Eaters, but because of his father and because of his grandfather, he is considered something of a legacy. He so hates that :).

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