Friday, August 7, 2009

Winston, Johnathen

Johnathen Morris Winston
TDS - Gen 3
(inherited character)

Birthday: March 5, 2019
Age/Year at start of RP: 14/4th
Class: 2030/31
Hair: loose, flopsy, short, straight strawberry blonde
Eyes: Very bright blue
Physical: Tall and thin. Works very hard for the muscle tone he’s managed to get. Naturly he would tend to scrawnyness.
Pet: Labrador retriever dog named Portus, who is now getting on in years and is in fact quite portley.
Wand: 11 inches, holly, unicorn tail hair

Background: John grew up in the village across the river from McMillian. His parents, Ren and Jake Winston live with him and his sister Holly, who was born when he was just over one year old. While she is only about a year younger than him, she is two years behind him in school, something that John is quite happy about. He loves his sister and would fiercly protect her, but he doesn’t want her hanging around every second.

Growing up so close to the school, John was well familiar with it long before he attended. He grew up playing with the other children from the village, his cousins Jack and Jamie and he spent a fair ampunt of time around Ella when they were young.

John has a well developed sense of right and wrong but a certain moral flexibility, and has grown up to be a polite and well mannered boy. He would never break a rule when someone was watching, but he does have a certain disregard for rules that get in his way. As long as no one is hurt by what he does, what’s the problem?

He has worked long and hard to try and look better for the girls. He runs daily and is a chaser on his house team, which has to his delight given him a certain attraction. Last year he had a girlfriend, though truth be told it was a bit of a disaster. He’s hoping that this year will go much better in that respect.

At his schoolwork, John excels when he applies himself. He likes potions and charms, and his favourite subject at the moment is Care of Magical Creatures. He would love to be a Quidditch player when he gets older like his Aunt Andi but he holds no illusions that he is good enough for it. He thinks he might quite like to be a Healer, or maybe a Vet.

John is still wary of his parents, having left for school in the midst of their marital difficulties. He’s not sure what it was all about but he remembers it as an unhappy time, despite his parents attempts to cover it over.

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