Friday, August 7, 2009

Wolfe, Elijah

Elijah Wolfe
TDS - Gen 3
Age: 22
Position: CoMC Professor
Former House: Phoenix

Hair: Dark auburn/chestnut. Essentially, a dark brown streaked with red and gold from the sun
Eyes: Hazel
Physical: About 6' tall, Eli is solidly built and broad across the shoulders. He's a dragon tamer by trade, and he has the scars, and build, to prove it. In addition to a few burns, Eli has a nice dragon tattoo on his chest and a rune tattooed on his bicep. Mmm, tattoos.

Wand: 9", oak, dragon heartstring
Pet: Who can say for sure? Eli has a penchant for dangerous animals, but he's more responsible about it than Hagrid was. He's in talks with a woman who will bring unicorn colts to the forest on the island, and he is working to bring a few thestrals from Hagrid's herd. Eli also has the required assortment of creatures, as well as a barn owl named Hector and a huge black grim-like dog named Duncan.
THIS JUST IN :) : Aethonon colt named Honey, moke named Antone, and flobberworms named Lovely and Fancy

Background: Eli graduated from McMillian 4 years ago and went immediately into service working with dragons in Romania. He loved that work, but the solitude and increasingly dangerous behavior of his peers caused him to look for a different spot. He spent 1 year abroad, working with a variety of dangerous animals before returning to England. His father is an old friend of Jay Winston's, and he got the job at Hogwarts on Jay's recommendation. Eli is suited for the work, as he was very good at training exercises and he has the contacts necessary to start building the sort of menagerie a magical school needs. That is his primary function at Hogwarts at this time.

Personally, Eli's parents are both alive and live near London. He doesn't have a girlfriend, although he has a very high appreciation of all women. He has an admitted weakness for blonds of all shapes and sizes.

Eli is mulishly stubborn at times, and he can have quite the temper. For the most part, he reserves that flash temper for people who are dishonest with him and for people who purposefully seek to hurt others. He has a noble spirit and a generous nature, but he's just a little arrogant... and who wouldn't be when you were a dragon tamer in your past?

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