Saturday, August 8, 2009

Potter, Jackson

Jackson Potter
TDS - Gen 3

Age/Year at start of RP: 12/ 2nd year
Class: 2031-38

Hair: Black, of the messy variety
Eyes: Emerald green
Physical: He's 12, man. All arms and legs. He's going to end up with a Potter build, although he managed to inherit some Winston height. He's solidly built and a bundle of energy.

Pet: Brown barn owl named Turkey
Wand: 9.5 inches, maple, phoenix feather, slightly springy

Background: Jack is the oldest child of Quinn and Rusty Potter. He has inherited more than his share of arrogance and bravado, but he's a kid with his heart in the right place. He's very proud of his heritage as of now, although he gets really embarassed when his mom makes him spend time in her shop with all the lady-things.

Jack is a rascal and has only just realized that girls are super fun to torment... but he isn't sure why yet. He'll be a heartbreaker.

Jack's father plays for the Hampstead Hornets, and his mother owns the QP shops in Diagon Alley and our unnamed village. They now rent otu the flat in DA and own a nice house in the village. Jack has grown up around and across from the school, and he terrorized the whole village in his youth. He feels ownership of the school in some ways, and he's ready to terrorize that.

He adores his younger brother, but he'd never admit it. He's scared to death of his younger sister, but she's QP in training. He idolizes his father and grandfather, but he really is in awe of his Uncle Al.

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