Sunday, August 9, 2009

Colton, Edward

Edward Colton (Cole)

Teaches: Ancient Runes
Age: 37
Years at Hogwarts: 6
Hair: Longish dark brown
Eyes: Pale green-blue, like a green bottle glass
General Physical: Cole enjoys the solitariness of running, so he has a runner’s build. He has olive skin, made darker from the sun.
Personality: A bit arrogant. Proud of his accomplishments and of his cleverness. Passionate about his class and other things. Loved his wife – still loves her, although he’s too proud to really come out and say so.
History: Married to Wei for several years, but they very currently had a falling out over some differences. Halfblood.

[Excerpt from Wei's bio:
She had a brief fling with Cole in her final year at school, but otherwise had a fairly uneventful time

With special permission, she spent a brief time at a muggle institute, studying some aspects of Astronomy, before returning to the wizarding world to take a position in the ministry. After several years a position became available at Hogwart's teaching Astronomy, and she gladly accepted the post.

While there she became reaquainted with Cole, who was teaching Ancient Runes. They rekindled their previous fling, leading to their marriage a few years later. However as the years passed, they found that their schedules, and other work conflicts were driving them apart. They split six months ago.]

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