Friday, August 7, 2009

Wojack, Stella

Stella Anne Wojack
SS - MoM extension

Posted Image

Birthday: September 7, 2047
Age: 23
Hair: Chestnut hair, usually worn long
Eyes: Dark blue
Height/Stature: 5'5"
Lineage: Halfblood

Background: Stella Wojack was always destined to be a Healer. Her father, a Polish immigrant to the UK, owned his own private practice as a Healer to the wealthy purebloods, while her mother was a well-known midwife. In fact, on Stella's maternal side, the midwife tradition is very strong, even before her mother received her Hogwarts letter. As a little girl, Papa Wojack let Stella attend patients with him, and she knew from an early age she wanted to join him in his practice.

Although Sebastjan Wojack acknowledged that Hogwarts was a very fine school, he preferred to send his oldest child to his own alma mater. Stella attended Durmstrang from 2059-2066. She was prefect, with very fine grades, and a founding member of the Potioneers Society (although she was removed from office her sixth year after trading words with the Potions Professor who apparently didn't know a well constructed cauldron from a hole in his own anatomy).

In spite of strong grades and an impressive enough CV for her age, Stella couldn't swing the necessary professor recommendations to get into the Healer intern program right out of school. She had somehow managed to offend just enough of the staff to require her to seek recommendations elsewhere. Her first job was at the Polish Ministry, where she got promoted and shifted around quite often. People loved her, and wanted nothing to do with her, and her final boss promised her a glowing recommendation if she never returned to civil service again.

Personality: Stella Anne Wojack presents a chipper and enthusiastic attitude to everything around her, although she has a nagging tendency to take challenges personally. Being an only child makes Stella accustomed to having her own way, which can bring out the stubborn side. On her worst days, one can accuse Stella of being spoiled because of her natural assumption that things will work out in the way she desires.

Most people who encounter Stella find themselves liking her... until her one big failing becomes apparent. Stella cannot shut her mouth to save her life. If she thinks it, she must say it, and she can't see any possible consequences of speaking her mind until the words have already left her mouth. And worst of all, once the words start, they're hard to start. She is a chatterbox of the worst sort.

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