Saturday, August 8, 2009

Granger, Adriana

Adriana (Ana) Granger

Teaches: Charms
Age: 32
Years at Hogwarts: 3
Hair: Wavy dark auburn to mid back that she always wears up in a severe, professional bun
Eyes: Dark brown
Height: 5’5”
General Physical: Petite, shapely, pale
Personality: Serious, studious, takes her job seriously and believes everything in her life is about her job.

History: Ana is the illegitimate daughter of Hermione Granger and a wizard who is not known to Ana. Her mother was on the fast track to being of great importance in the Wizarding World when she got pregnant. She gave it all up to raise Adriana, marrying Ron Weasley after a few years. Adriana retained her mother’s last name, although Ron raised her as his own. She was idealistic and wildly romantic in her youth but was scorned by the man she thought she loved. Now, she’s set her sights on more serious pursuits, wanting to prove her worth and make the mark in the world that her mother wasn’t able to.

17 - graduated Hogwarts
17-21 - nanny for Charles Blackburn, children Jenna and Claire
21 - 22 - lived with Jared Blackburn in Ireland until he left her there
22 - 29 - taught at Northgrove Private Academy for Talented Witches in PEI, Canada
29 - 32 - taught Charms at Hogwarts

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